Pest managers can learn a trick or two about termite inspections from a group of chimpanzees in the Congo Basin.
More information on termites.
Pest managers can learn a trick or two about termite inspections from a group of chimpanzees in the Congo Basin.
We know how termites build their nests, but what triggers the building of a termite mound in the first place?
Regional Director of Ensystex, Steve Broadbent, examines the ability of termites to ‘listen in’ on ants and other predators.
Good sanitation is a fundamental requirement of any successful civilisation. This is especially the case in termite colonies which their large populations living in warm, humid conditions. So how do termites keep their nest clean and free of disease?
Pheromones are the basis of chemical communication in insects. Although not as well studied as some insects, pheromones are nonetheless important in termites.
A look at termite tunnelling behaviour, examining the evidence from some of the world’s leading entomological research bodies.
Researchers from the University of Florida have worked out a novel way to determine the size of a termite colony – by measuring the amount of wood the termites consume.
The latest research from the University of Florida looks at the behaviour termites exhibit when subjected to starvation.
Steve Broadbent, regional director of Ensystex, examines the curious behaviour of termites eating plastic, as discovered by a team of international researchers.
Researchers have pinpointed the methods termites use to create their impressive mounds, using a building technique that gives the structures incredible strength.
Termite researchers in the US have investigated the preferred temperature conditions of two Coptotermes species.
Australian termite researchers have investigated how termites’ clay-building behaviour is determined by their assessment of the environment around them.