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Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum)
Grassy weeds in lawns and managed turf can be difficult to remove once established. Learn how to identify and control the common grassy weeds in Australia. Learn more…
Cabbage white butterlfy caterpillar
A range of caterpillar pests cause problems in home gardens (as well as food crops). Here are the top 7 caterpillar pests in Australia…
Fall armyworm caterpillar
The fall armyworm is a recent invasive pest in Australia. Here is the essential information – identification, basic information and control options…
Lasius emarginatus
A European ant species has become firmly established in the hyper urban landscape of New York City. How did this happen and what’s the reason for its successful (and rapid) takeover?
Browsing ant
As a notifiable pest, the browsing ant is a potential invasive species that Australian pest managers should be able to identify.
Pest control business deal
Andrew Usher, Director at Catand Advisory, offers advice on how to get the best deal for your pest control business by working with the right people.
White-footed ant (Technomyrmex jocosus)
Lindsay McRae, Regional Manager at FMC, outlines the most effective control methods for two common ant species.
Sue-Ann Tysoe, Checkmate Pest Control
We spoke with 2024 AWPMA Excellence Award winner Sue-Ann Tysoe from Checkmate Pest Control about her journey within the pest control industry.
Fire ant
Sundew Solutions is an Australian company that has invested heavily in research and development to bring pest managers ant control solutions that work for Australian species and conditions.
Illustration showing customer support via phone, web and email
Belinda Smith, CEO of Rapid Solutions, shares tips on how to get the most out of the busy pest season.

All the magazine articles are grouped into relevant categories which can be accessed from the “More Information” section on the relevant pest page. News articles and general interest articles are placed in the general Professional Pest Manager magazine category.

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