Weep hole protection screens act as physical barriers, protecting homes against pest and termite entry. 

Treating weep holes with an insecticide spray or dust is a standard component of a general pest treatment. Whereas this might keep the weep hole clear of insects and spiders, it does little to deter mice, lizards and snakes (and yes, they can all squeeze through a weep hole!). What’s more, the duration of protection is only a few months. What if you could offer your customers a non-chemical, lasting solution to prevent pest entry through weep holes?

The Protector Weep Hole Screen from Weepa provides a physical barrier to prevent pests entering weep holes. The flexible Protector is inserted into a weep hole in a matter of seconds. Not only will it prevent entry of common arthropod pests such as cockroaches and spiders, but will prevent entry of vertebrate pests such as lizards, snakes and mice. Being stainless steel, it doesn’t rust and cannot be chewed through by mice.

Although the Weepa Protector has not been tested against termites, it can be used in conjunction with the Weepa Termite Protector for even broader pest protection.

For those in bush fire prone areas, it is important to note that the Weepa Protector is also compliant by design with all Bush fire Attack Level (BAL) requirements of Australian Standards 2959:2018 – Australian Standard for construction of buildings in bush re prone areas. Embers from bush res get sucked into weep holes; evidence provided by CSIRO after the Canberra bush fires in 2003 demonstrated that homes without weephole protection were more likely to be destroyed during a bush fire.

Although the Protector does its job very well, in terms of preventing the entry of pests and embers, it still allows the weep hole to function as intended. The Weepa Protector has been tested by Griffith University to ensure it still allows the weep hole to provide its functional benefits, allowing wall cavity ventilation and drainage.

The installation of Weepa Protectors is an easy upsell, especially if you are already on site on a general pest treatment or rodent job. Unlike a chemical treatment, the Protectors have a visible presence – a physical barrier – that reassures the homeowner that their home is secure from pest invasion.

Don’t forget, Protectors could and should be used in all weep holes, not only those at ground level. With insect pests such as bees and wasps entering buildings via the higher weep holes, the installation of Protectors safeguards weep holes that would not normally be treated with chemicals.

Weepa Protectors also have a great fit in commercial accounts, particularly hospitals, nursing homes, schools and food management establishments (HACCP endorsed), where exclusion of pests is very important, preferably through non-chemical means. For some of these clients, where buildings can have thousands of weep holes, installation of Weepa Protectors would be more than your standard ‘upsell’ – more like a significant standalone piece of business!

So when you’re next on a general pest treatment about to treat a weep hole, remember there’s a different way.

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