Invasive. The origin of the lesser grain borer is unknown.
Found across Australia and worldwide
Larvae are a white and up to 3.0mm long. They are “straight” and mobile when young, but become more C-shaped and less mobile as they age.
The lesser grain borer is a cylindrical, reddish beetle, 2.5-3.0 mm long. The head is usually held downward, concealed under the thorax. The antennae is club-shaped with 3 segments.
Female beetles lay between 200-500 eggs during her life-time.
The life-cycle is completed in around 8 weeks. Larvae go through 4 instar stages before pupating.
Adults live for 2-3 months.
Lesser grain borers primarily target grain, but will also feed on processed grains – cereals, biscuits and spaghetti.
Both the adult and larvae feed and cause damage.
Lesser grain borers are the biggest pest of stored grain in Australia.
The lesser grain borer is a strong flyer.
Females lay their eggs loosely among the grains and the larvae borer into the grain.
Infested grain will give off a sweet smell.
More stored product pests.
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