Sentricon AlwaysActive has had its CodeMark certification renewed, meaning pest managers can install the termite protection system knowing it will meet building inspection requirements.
Since its launch in 2015, Sentricon AlwaysActive has become recognised by termite managers as an alternative to both soil treatments and traditional monitoring systems, based on its unique product design. It is a flexible product providing termite protection in a wide range of situations.
Active from installation, Sentricon contains a unique termicide rod that provides continuous protection from termites. The flexibility of AlwaysActive is further illustrated in that it can be used in both post- construction and pre-construction situations, with the product recently having its CodeMark accreditation renewed.
“This certification gives pest managers, builders and building certifiers confidence and certainty that Sentricon AlwaysActive has demonstrated evidence of suitability for use as a termite management system in new constructions, and this certificate remains valid until November 2021,” explained Sentricon business manager, Joanne George.
Pre-construction termite management systems must be approved under the National Construction Code (NCC). This may be via two pathways: either by satisfying Australian Standards or meeting the performance standards via the CodeMark Certification Scheme. The CodeMark process authorises the use of new and innovative products in specified circumstances in order to facilitate compliance with Volumes One and Two of the NCC, also known as the Building Code of Australia or BCA.
The CodeMark scheme utilises the performance standards listed in the NCC to assess if individual products meets these criteria.
“In the case of Sentricon AlwaysActive, this involved a review of all of the data provided to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Association (APVMA) for product registration, as well as a significant number of additional studies conducted in Australia and overseas,” Ms George said.
“The CodeMark accreditation also required an inspection of manufacturing facilities overseas and numerous installation sites in Australia. These inspections are required on an annual basis to ensure the product continues to meet specifications and performance requirements. The CodeMark accreditation then remains active for three years after certification, before another full review is conducted against current NCC requirements.”
This means termite managers can be assured that any product with CodeMark certification has been rigorously tested, both in terms of performance and manufacturing quality.
Sentricon AlwaysActive may be used in construction when the installing termite manager has successfully completed the Sentricon AlwaysActive online training and the installation has been carried out according to the current Sentricon AlwaysActive technical manual, which is available online.
“During construction is an excellent time to install a Sentricon system,” added Ms George. “It is so flexible for builders to work around, and any mishaps can be easily rectified, which is a common complaint of more traditional products. Being active from day one provides peace of mind and the ongoing monitoring capacity ensures the pest manager and owner that any attacks will be identified and managed.”
As with any system, correct installation is essential. For occupancy certification the system must form a complete perimeter around the structure, even if there has only been a part-extension and/or other termite management products have also been installed. “The beauty of AlwaysActive is that it can be used in conjunction with most other termite management products. That means that a new build or extension built with a termite blanket or liquid chemical under one section can use AlwaysActive to provide protection for the entire build with a full perimeter system, satisfying occupancy requirements,” said Ms George.
Sentricon AlwaysActive may also be used to protect both multi-storey structures as well as structures with basements. “If you think about the structures protected by Sentricon around the world – buildings like the White House (main picture, above) with multiple storeys both above and below the ground, or the Statue of Liberty, that stretches up to 93 metres – there really are no restrictions on the design or style of structure where Sentricon can be used,” she added.