After several Covid-related delays, the European pest community is eagerly anticipating the 2022 International Conference on Urban Pests.
With international travel back on the agenda, the 10th International Conference on Urban Pests (ICUP) may be an opportunity for those in the industry to combine work with an overseas holiday to Spain. ICUP is normally held every three years and is the leading conference to share ideas, information and research data on pests in the urban environment. It is attended by a wide range of participants from academia, industry and government bodies from around the world.
Held at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona (pictured above) from June 27-29, the ICUP 2022 conference includes keynote presentations from experts at the World Health Organisation, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and Fordham University in New York. They will cover a range of topics such as vector control in the urban environment, relationships between vector-borne disease and climate change and the evolution of pests within the urban environment.
Over the course of the three days, speakers from around the world will present and discuss behaviour and control techniques for the common urban pests such as mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, ants, cockroaches, rodents and birds. As an in-person event rather than a virtual event, workshops will offer delegates a rare opportunity to discuss topics in more detail face to face with subject matter experts.
Organisation team chairman Dr Rubén Bueno commented, “The team has worked hard pulling together what promises to be another stimulating and productive event. In total, the programme comprises around 70 oral presentations and 50 posters which will appeal to all involved in urban pests and their management.”
More information is available on the ICUP 2022 website.