Adama offers a solution for controlling stored product pests and rabbits with Pestex Tablets.
Pestex Tablets are registered for the control of insect storage pests in well-sealed warehouses, elevators, store structures and stored products, as well as for the control of rabbits in burrows.
Pestex Tablets release phosphine gas when exposed to air. Phosphine penetrates throughout the area or stored commodity to kill all life stages of stored products pest – eggs, larvae, pupae and adult. Phosphine gas moves through the container penetrating the stored product over a number of days. Insects affected by phosphine exhibit hyperactivity followed by knockdown, convulsions, paralysis and death.
Pestex Tablets are registered for use to treat a range of raw cereal grains, food commodities such as flour, dried fruit and vegetables, cocoa, seeds for propogation and bulk stockfeeds. Strict safety guidelines and time periods are required when using this fumigation technique for application, fumigation, ventilation and withholding periods.
Pestex Tablets can also be used for treating of rabbits in burrows. Each lead or tunnel needs to be treated with one or two tablets and then sealed with a soil plug.