Australian Pest Managers Group Prize Draw

Two lucky pest managers took home prizes in the Australian Pest Managers Group prize giveaway, organised by Serial Pest Control’s Doug Balsom

The Australian Pest Managers Group has now been up and running for four years. Primarily a Facebook group set up for pest managers around the country to share tips and experiences, each year they aim to run a competition for group members. This year Doug Balsom, from Serial Pest Control, who manages and funds the group, came up with the idea of a prize draw.

To support the group’s mission of industry engagement, the first part of the draw was an offer of a free AEPMA membership. To enter the draw, companies could either self-nominate or be nominated by another company. To encourage nomination and also provide a prize to companies who were already AEPMA members, any nominating company could also go into the draw for the Showcase. This Showcase Package included donations from a number of leading suppliers – BASF, Bell, Envu, FMC, Rapid Solutions and Sundew Solutions. With each donation valued at $500 or more, the Showcase Package had a total value of over $3000.

“The Australian Pest Managers Group has strived to support the industry in the best possible way by providing a safe platform for the sharing of pest control information. As well as the main Facebook page, we also have individual pages for each state, which allows members to discuss more local issues,” commented Mr Balsom.

“This prize draw was six months in the planning and we are very grateful for the generous donations from AEPMA and the suppliers. On a personal note, it has been a honour to be able to give back to the industry and the community within it.”



The winner of the AEPMA membership was Naomi Clayton of MNJ Pest Control in Caboolture, QLD while the winner of the Showcase Package was Adam McGuiness of North Coast Pest Control in Pomona, QLD.

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