Dick Murray, technical manager for Syngenta Professional Pest Management, examines the use of Altriset Termiticide in reticulation systems.

The application of termiticide under concealed and inaccessible areas via a reticulation system (main image, above) provides an even and continuous distribution of termiticide into the soil. Both new and existing buildings of all construction types can be protected from termites with reticulation systems through the safe application and replenishment of approved termiticides according to their label instructions.

Altriset Termiticide has been used successfully for many years in reticulation systems and has recently has received label approval for seven years residual protection to buildings by both pre- and post-construction application, south of the Tropic of Capricorn. Altriset can be applied through a reticulation system and as a hand spray treatment to soil.

When tested through reticulation systems, Altriset provided a uniform distribution over the treated area. Soil residue testing, following the ‘initial charge’ of the reticulation system, has shown the target of an effective concentration of Altriset in the treated zone is easily attained.

Variance in the concentration of Altriset in treated soil depends greatly on the density and porosity of the soil being treated, with lighter and more porous soils giving rise to greater movement of active ingredient through the soil profile.

Recent testing of soils has also shown that at least seven years termiticide protection, south of the Tropic of Capricorn, can be achieved with Altriset, which adds to the appeal for using Altriset in reticulation systems. Given that Altriset can also be used for full termite barrier treatments and as a direct treatment to active termites, it is a flexible and versatile product for pest managers seeking better options in their termite management businesses.

Test site after installation of vapour seal sheeting and prior to concrete pour

Darren Mair from Insight Pest Management has been using Altriset through his reticulation systems for the last few years. “I initially switched to Altriset because of its low toxicity and it transfers better than other termiticides. Since making the change I’ve been very impressed by how easy it is to use, it mixes really well and seamlessly flows through the reticulation system”

Ideally when a reticulation system is installed pre-slab, the termiticide should be applied as soon as possible after a 28-day (curing) period following the laying of the slab. Installation of a reticulation system to the perimeter of a building should be just after construction and before any additional slabs are laid. The installation of the reticulation system at this stage means that landscaping, pavers and concrete won’t have to be disturbed every time the termite barrier is renewed. Reticulation systems can also be installed to an existing building but existing concrete slabs will need to be cut to allow installation.

Dick Murray, Technical Manager, Syngenta Professional Pest Management

NOTE: Effective Altriset Termiticide barriers have been established and proven in accordance with the general instructions on the label when applied through an approved reticulation system. The manufacturers of reticulation systems also provide guidelines regarding the delivery capability of their system and require installation by qualified and experienced pest management professionals.

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