Rapid Solutions’ Risk Management Conference 2015 is a chance for those in the industry to learn about the latest developments and to take away some helpful business learnings.
The 2015 Rapid Solutions Risk Management Conference will be held on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th August at Jupiters Gold Coast. The conference is a great opportunity for pest managers to learn about what’s new and happening in their industry, and to network with their peers.
Ensystex will be the Gold Sponsor of this year’s event.
“This year there will be four presentation streams on the Friday and three presentation streams on the Saturday. There will be a new stream for the Saturday sessions focussing on ‘New to Industry’ information. On the Saturday afternoon after conference close there will be a complimentary session on Report Writing. The conference program will be comprehensive and full of valuable information for pest managers,” said Chris Murphy, marketing manager for Rapid Solutions.
“In addition, there will be more exhibitors than in previous years, providing greater opportunity for pest managers to meet and talk with exhibitor representatives and suppliers.”
The Keynote Speaker will be author and business leader, Bruce Sullivan. Voted Australian Keynote Speaker of the Year by the National Speakers Association of Australia, Mr Sullivan will engage and inspire delegates to do what it takes to be the best that they can possibly be in a world where change is constant and relationships are fragile.
There will be a number of overseas presenters. Some of the topics of interest include:
Asian Termites: Bio-ecology, Behaviour and Management, Dr Partho Dhang
Termites are emerging as major urban pests in cities across Asia where significant damage is done to urban properties, landscape trees, rural housing and fruit plantations. Dr Partho Dhang discusses termite baiting in the Asian market and specific termite behaviours.
No more termite barriers: escaping the new maze of Standards, Codes and Codemark, Don Ewart
New construction termite work can be profitable. This talk cuts through the complex maze of Standards, Codes and Codemarks in an irreverent manner that will help you get the best outcomes for your business.
Application economics, Dr William H. Robinson, B&G Equipment Co, Virginia, USA
In professional pest control emphasis is usually placed on the tools and the insecticides needed, while the economics of the process is overlooked. Dr William H. Robinson discusses how regular maintenance, repair, and nozzle replacement can reduce or eliminate costly waste.
“In addition to the sessions we have some great social activities and entertainment organised. On the Thursday evening prior to the conference there will be a ‘Happy Hour’ where delegates can mingle informally with other pest managers and company representatives. Syngenta, our conference Bronze Sponsor, will be sponsoring this event.”
The AEPMA Pest Manager of the Year award will be announced at the Gala Dinner on the Friday evening. The conference Silver Sponsor, BASF, will be sponsoring this event. “Well known stand up comedian Dave Hughes will be providing entertainment during the dinner, so there will plenty of laughs on the night,” added Mr Murphy.
“On the Saturday morning a partners ‘High Tea’ has been organised for $40 per person.
“On the Saturday evening we have barefoot lawn bowls at Southport Bowling Club. Included in the low cost of $25 is bus transfer between the bowling club and Jupiters, finger foods, drinks, dinner and bowls. Partners are welcome.
“On Sunday 16th, golf is on offer at Emerald Lakes Golf Club. Rapid Solutions have organised a package that includes breakfast, lunch, drinks, golf cart and transfers for just $130.
There are various pricing packages for conference attendance. The packages are highly flexible and enable pest managers to attend just one or both days of the conference, or any combination of function or social events. Rapid Solutions have negotiated a special accommodation rate with Jupiters of $209 per night for a superior room. All pest managers need do is contact Jupiters direct and mention that they will be attending the conference.
“Pest managers should keep in mind that the Early Bird discount rate finishes on the 31st May. So make sure to register before then and save money. Registration can be completed online by visiting the Rapid Solutions website.”
For regular updates on the conference, ‘Like’ or ‘Follow’ Rapid Solutions on Facebook.
Attendance at the Rapid Solutions Risk Management Conference will enable pest managers to improve their technical knowledge and learn about the latest industry changes. It will also be an opportunity to see the latest products and innovations from suppliers and to network with other pest managers.
“The Conference is open to all pest managers, not just Rapid Solutions clients. This will be the best event in the pest management industry this year so don’t miss it. We look forward to seeing you there,” concluded Mr Murphy.