New to the Australian market, Zythor offers pest managers an alternative to methyl bromide fumigants.
Zythor Gas Fumigant from Ensystex might be new to Australia, but it comes with a long and trusted heritage having been on the market in the USA since 2007.
“It’s a significant scientific and technical challenge to bring a fumigant through the APVMA regulatory system, so this approval recognises the depth of the cutting-edge science and development background that underpins the Ensystex global business,” explained Steve Broadbent, regional director for Ensystex.
“Fumigants are true gases that can penetrate deep within timbers and food commodities to kill the target pests. Zythor is an inorganic gas, containing 998 g/kg sulfuryl fluoride, which means it does not combine with or change due to exposure to or interaction with other compounds. This lack of reactivity is one of the biggest advantages of Zythor as a fumigant, compared to other fumigants such as methyl bromide.”
Being non-flammable, odourless, colourless, and non-corrosive means the product is a safe solution for sensitive areas with modern equipment and electronic devices present.
“Zythor provides broad-spectrum control of stored product pests and quarantine pests, including the West Indian drywood termite (Cryptotermes brevis). It also leaves no unpleasant odours or off-flavours. The core position for Zythor is the fact that it is not an ozone depleter. Since it doesn’t affect the ozone layer, it offers fumigators a bright future as a replacement to methyl bromide, a well-known ozone depleter which is scheduled for replacement under the Montreal Protocol,” said Mr Broadbent. “It is also the perfect fumigant to use as a resistance-breaker in grain storages where phosphine resistance is a well-recognised problem.”
Fumicalc is Ensystex’s computer-based program, developed to ensure the accurate use of Zythor. Designed specifically for use in Australia, but incorporating the heritage developed from over 15 years of use in the USA, Fumicalc offers options for: resistance management grain fumigation, based on the latest Australian data; commodity food and commodity storage fumigation; and structural fumigation.
It also provides for the input of a user-defined CT (Concentration x Time factor). Zythor is registered for use only by licensed fumigators trained under Ensystex’s Fumigation Program.