Andy Deering, CEO of ServSuite, outlines the benefits of using field service management software. 


COVID-19 has prompted profound changes in the way pest management businesses operate. Practising, and being seen to practise social distancing, is key to running a successful operation during the pandemic, to both safeguard your employees and also to build trust with your customers. ServSuite has created a series of articles aimed at helping your business use technology to successfully navigate the challenges associated with running a business during COVID-19 – to learn how to mobilise contactless, socially distanced operations, ensuring sustainable growth throughout the pandemic.


Being able to successfully run a business remotely has never been more important, with COVID-19 social distancing and the need to reduce face-to-face contact with others a must. For pest managers on the road, a multi-functional mobile app such as the ServSuite Mobile Application, can drive significant efficiencies and reduce social contacts with both customers and staff if required.

The ServSuite Mobile App allows you to manage customisable electronic forms and reports of all kinds. Whether you are completing a termite inspection or assessing risk, you can easily fill in the form from the Mobile Application and sync with your office. This handy feature can be used both from the office or the field and ensures your team is connected regardless of the remote working restrictions that may be in place.

The ability to capture site plans and record areas of pest pressure are a key element of reports. With the ServSuite Mobile App, you can draw what you see on-site to visually record pest presence, and upload and save important drawings and files about services, all safely created and stored in a paperless environment. And having all your service-related documentation available on one device simplifies your operations while ensuring that all members of staff are aware of service updates.

The mobile application also helps you remind your customers of the importance of pest inspections, with real-time SMS notifications. Social distancing restrictions do not stop pests, including those that are harmful to property like termites. Fully integrated with the Mobile Application, termite inspection and pre-purchase timber pest inspection reports can be performed with the app, therefore minimising human contact and making the inspection safer and socially distanced.

With its GPS tracking, you can also monitor the movements of your company vehicles and driver behaviour. This has two main benefits for you as a business owner, firstly it can potentially qualify you for cheaper insurance premiums, and secondly, if one of your drivers is involved in an accident, it can provide you with insight as to what went wrong. A GPS device also demonstrates to your customers that you are running a safe business because it shows that you are monitoring your team’s driving behaviour and safety.

Creating efficient schedules is easy with pest control software. Having a booking schedule that is easily updated, viewed, and shared is key to an efficient business and it’s important to integrate with routing software to maximise the efficiencies. Intelligent routing is the perfect software tool for modern-day pest managers, allowing you to organise your service calendar for the week. From within the software you set up your schedule with technicians’ service routes, automatically taking into account variables like technicians’ shifts, breaks, holidays, etc. Once you’ve created the perfect route setup, you can re-apply to all your other service routes with just a few clicks. This allows you to schedule and perform as many services as possible per day with minimum human contact.


Andy Deering, CEO, Servsuite

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