The ability to offer comprehensive, easy to understand reports is essential for winning, and keeping, commercial clients.


The type and level of reporting required by commercial customers is becoming as important as the service itself. Quite often the pest control business that wins the commercial contract will be the one that offers the better level of reporting; major pest control companies dominate the commercial market for this reason. Many customers now require more detailed information than the level provided in a ‘standard’ commercial report and need individual bait station activity data, trend analysis, heat maps, and supporting photos, for example.

ePestReports was developed two years ago with the aim of allowing all pest managers, large and small, to access to a program whereby technicians can quickly and simply produce commercial reports on their phone, on site.

The program allows for various level of reporting depending on the client’s specific requirements. Rohan Burke, general manager of ePestreports, understands that many different types of businesses use commercial pest control, all with different reporting requirements.

“Whether servicing the local café or a major food manufacturing plant, we wanted to develop a program whereby technicians can produce a ‘standard’ commercial report that complies with all the necessary guidelines quickly and simply. But, more importantly, that the reporting can also be scaled up to provide far greater detail, activity data, trend analysis, heat maps and supporting photos,” said Mr Burke.

Businesses create and manage their database from the ePestreports admin portal while the app gives technicians access to all site details on their smart device (such as site contact, site plan, pests treated, job specifications, notes from last service and previous service report). The technician conducts the service, completes the report on site, including additional data if required, gains a signature and submits the report. No emailing is required.


Technicians can access site details including pests covered and site specifications


The report is then instantly available for viewing via the ePestReports customer portal. Customers can access all past and present reports, activity data, trend analysis, and photos as well as all general compliance documentation (for example, insurances, licenses, and SDS). They can also view site-specific documentation such as site plans and service agreements.

The app allows for activity data, if required, to be captured via two distinct methods. Firstly, barcode scanning is an option that will capture activity level, amount of bait/product used, and a time stamp. Secondly, data can also be captured via a ‘tap and swipe’ method without the need for barcode scanning. With this method, activity level and amount of bait/product used for 200 stations can be input in around 90 seconds, saving time in the office.

ePestReports is also used by businesses that conduct termite management programs, giving homeowners easy online access to servicing information, activity levels, and photos about their property. Reports can easily be customised to be specific to the various baiting programs on the market.

Mr Burke said, “Our mission in developing this program was to provide a tool for pest managers to compete with the multinational operators in terms of commercial pest control reporting. We wanted to eliminate the hard copy report book, the cost of printing, and paper wastage. And most importantly, the program had to be simple to use, easy to learn and have the benefit of saving time on site and in the office. ePestReports delivers on all of these points.”

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