When your customers request a flea treatment, they expect the best. If you want a long lasting treatment, using an adulticide alone just won’t cut it…
Flea treatments used to be a very common pest control treatment (in the not too distant past), but with the arrival of pet, spot-on flea treatments, flea infestations have become more of an occasional pest problem. However, if you’re unlucky to suffer from a flea infestation, it’s a big issue!
Our great summary article provides a good overview to fleas and flea treatment, covering flea species, identification, life-cycle, diseases and the treatment process. However, it is important to be aware of the level of insecticide resistance in fleas.
Our Pest Pulse market research gives a good overview as to the cost of a flea treatment and what’s involved in a professional flea treatment. Most homeowner that a professional flea treatment requires both the inside and outside of the home to be treated (not just the rooms they are getting bitten). Basically, any area the pet has been, needs to be treated.
Apart from treated all areas around the home, understanding the flea life-cycle and especially the flea larvae can be helpful in designing a successful flea treatment. In particular the inclusion of an insect growth regulatory (IGR) in combination with the insecticide, ensures a longer lasting flea treatment.
End of least pest treatments are compulsory in some states, whether you have a pet or not. For other states it is only required if you have a pet. These treatments are primarily targeted fleas (but will include other pets), to ensure the new tenants have a pest free home when they move in.
The oriental rat flea was found to be the infamous vector of the black death or bubonic plague, which killed millions of people through the middle ages. They transmitted bacterium, Yersina pestis, from rats to humans, which caused the plague. Although bubonic plague is rare (but still present) in some parts of the world, there are a range of other flea diseases.
More information on fleas.
When your customers request a flea treatment, they expect the best. If you want a long lasting treatment, using an adulticide alone just won’t cut it…
Textbooks have traditionally given the impression that fleas are relatively ‘clean’ and mostly represent a nuisance pest due to their bites. Recent scientific studies, however, show that they are far better at transmitting serious diseases than we previously thought.
Bayer’s Jeff Einam shares his tips on how to treat fleas to ensure they’re gone for good.
Using an IGR together with an adulticide product is the best method for achieving control of fleas.
Researchers from Sydney’s Westmead Hospital and the University of Sydney confirm that fleas, although commonplace and regularly treated, are potentially more harmful than many people realise.