American and Australian cockroaches would be the most common large cockroaches encountered by pest managers. But there are plenty of native cockroach species, many of which are found around the house and garden.

Would you be able to identify a shining cockroach?

Common name: Shining Cockroaches


Scientific name(s): Two most common species are Drymaplaneta semivitta and Dryamplaneta communis (4 other Drymaplaneta species in Australia)

Description: Large, native cockroaches with very glossy, dark brown exoskeletons. Nymphs and adults completely wingless. Easily distinguished from nymphs of American cockroach by having white band around the edges of the front half of the body.

Geographic distribution: Common in southern states. Drymaplaneta semivitta accidentally introduced into New Zealand

Habitat: Found under eucalypt bark and in mulched garden beds.

Drymaplaneta semivitta, the shining cockroach, on patio
Shining cockroaches will wander in from outside
Shining cockroach in mulch
Shining cockroaches are often found in mulch

Pest status: Can be common in suitable garden environments, where they can frequently wander into houses. Will eat food scraps if available.

Treatment: If a specific treatment is required, as per large cockroach species such as the American cockroach.

(Other cockroach species)

Daniel Heald, technician and entomologist.

Images produced with kind permission from Daniel Heald.

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