The efficacy of Ultrathor termiticide has been proven in another long-term field study, with the trial in Thailand entering its tenth year. 

Ensystex has continually invested in the development of Ultrathor Water-based Termiticide to ensure it retains its place in the market as a premium liquid termiticide. Ultrathor contains Ensystex’s low-repellent technical grade fipronil which is protected by ten different production method patents. Ultrathor not only eliminates termite activity at a property, but also provides long-term, proven protection against future termite entry. Two ongoing, long-term, independent field studies continue to prove the residual performance of Ultrathor.

In 2022, a long-term field study in Thailand reached the ten-year landmark. Under the direction of the Royal Forest Department (Forest Biodiversity Research Division) the trials commenced in March 2012 and were last inspected in March 2022. The conclusion of the latest 2022 report confirmed the efficacy of Ultrathor Water-based Termiticide as a soil treatment for the prevention of subterranean termite attack. The report noted, “The results at the tenth year revealed no damage in all Ultrathor treatments, while the control timbers were 75% destroyed. So, Ultrathor Water-Based Termiticide can efficiently prevent termite attack in 10 years of field trials.”


The Thailand trials involve ‘covered’ sites with a concrete slab over the test bed, and ‘open’ sites where the stakes and treatment are exposed to the elements


Regional director, Steve Broadbent commented, “The unprotected ‘control’ timbers in this study are replenished every year, so the report of 75% of the control timbers being eaten within 12 months confirms that this forestry site undergoes heavy termite attack. And, despite the high levels of termite attack, Ultrathor keeps on protecting.

“The trials are in accordance with the Royal Forestry Department’s protocols for testing the efficacy of chemicals used as a soil treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. This means there are four replicates of each treatment, so the results are highly reliable.”

Similar long-term trials have been running in South Africa. They commenced under the jurisdiction of the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), using the SABS South African National Standards Method 5859, again with four replicates. The latest results still show no termite damage in the Ultrathor plots after ten years, despite a wide range of termite species being present, causing significant damage to the timbers in the control plots. Termite species identified at the test site include Odontotermes spp., Microtermes spp., Microcerotermes spp., Allodontotermes spp., and Amitermes spp.



Ensystex has also completed a range of new toxicology studies on the current Ultrathor formulation, in accordance with the latest Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines, to provide further confidence to professional pest managers. These studies have resulted in updates to the safety data sheet, reflecting the reduced risk observed in these studies.

Mr Broadbent concluded by outlining its suitability for use in tropical environments. “Ultrathor is designed for the toughest conditions and has also been tested for use in highly alkaline soils. It is designed to provide long-lasting control and quick action, with no smell and low toxicity to people, pets, and plants.

“It adsorbs tightly to soil, has low solubility in water, and a low vapour pressure. When combined with its low application rate, this means there is reduced risk of leaching in tropical conditions. Ultrathor has been marketed by Ensystex since 2010 and such is our confidence in the proven effectiveness of Ultrathor, that warranty programs are available to our professional customers in the many countries in which it is sold.”