Termite proofing solutions from FMC are backed by comprehensive warranties and 25 years of successful field testing.
The Australian consumer has an increasing awareness of the benefits that come with the installation of warranted termite management products, for use in both construction and home maintenance. In this regard, FMC can offer complete peace of mind.
In 2010, FMC bestowed Biflex and HomeGuard with the most comprehensive product warranty available to professional pest managers and ultimately homeowners at the time. Both the HomeGuard sheet barrier system (shown above) and Biflex Insecticide and Termiticide (for reticulation systems) are backed by a field development program of 25 years of real-time residual studies, and 15 years of commercial application.
Pre-construction protection with HomeGuard
FMC revolutionised pre-construction termite management when HomeGuard Precision Termite Management System was launched onto the Australian market more than 15 years ago. It was the first system that locks the active ingredient in a single sheet so it does not leach out. Since then, more than 200,000 homes have been protected by hundreds of accredited applicators for their satisfied customers.
HomeGuard is classified as a chemically treated sheet in accordance with AS 3660.3 and is registered with the APVMA. HomeGuard meets the deemed-to-satisfy requirements of the Building Code of Australia through its CodeMark certification. HomeGuard is the only sheet barrier system to afford damp proofing compliance to the Australian Standard AS 2904.
HomeGuard is a complete solution for pre-construction termite management with a range of sheet sizes and thicknesses to accommodate installations such as underslab treatment providing both termite and moisture protection. Its flexibility allows for its use as part of a complete termite management system when used in combination with a concrete slab (the slab must be poured in accordance with AS 2870 — residential slabs and footings construction).
The HomeGuard range offers numerous FlexiCollar sizes to suit all common pipe penetrations as well as Protectacote sealant and TermiFlex adhesive.
New for 2022, FMC has launched three new HomeGuard products, including a new sheet width and two new FlexiCollar sizes. Updated installation manuals and an expanded accreditation system will follow, as well as a more streamlined warranty system to improve accredited installer customer experience.
Reticulation systems with Biflex
With the last round of changes to Australian Standards, if chemical treatments are to be used as part of an underslab treatment, it is necessary to also use a reticulation system so that the chemical levels in the soil can be maintained. The reticulation system must be certified and capable of distributing the termiticide emulsion according to the product label and Australian Standard AS 3660.
When applying liquid termiticides to soil to create a chemical termite barrier, it is important for professional pest managers to consider the formulation type. Although FMC offers both a suspension concentrate (Biflex AquaMax Water-based Insecticide and Termiticide 100SC) and an emulsifiable concentrate (Biflex Ultra-Lo-Odour 100EC), FMC recommends using the SC, Biflex AquaMax, for use in reticulation systems and indeed in any soil-applied termite treatments.
Biflex is also the only termiticide that complies with the performance requirements of AS 3660.1 -2014: Termite Management, Part 1 New Building Work.
With HomeGuard and Biflex, FMC delivers two fully warranted pre-construction termite systems that meet Australian Standards, giving confidence to pest managers, builders and homeowners alike.