Pest Control Mosquitoes

For many mosquitoes are an annoyance, ruining outdoor entertaining. However, even in Australian, there is the risk of picking up a mosquito borne disease as a result of mosquito bites.

Mosquito treatments

One of the best mosquito treatments for residential and commercial properties is to spray the mosquito resting areas surrounding the building and outdoor areas with insecticide. This can create a mosquito interception zone which can significantly reduce mosquito numbers for up to 3 months.

For water bodies than can be eliminated, treatment with insect growth regulators to prevent the development of larvae can be a very effective method of mosquito population control. Learn more about treating mosquito breeding sites.

Preventing mosquito problems

Homeowners can reduce mosquito problems around their home by eliminating mosquito breeding sites. Learn more about mosquito prevention tips.

Mosquito repellents

Mosquito repellents are an important tool to prevent mosquito bites, especially when out and about. DEET is one of the recommended repellents. Researchers have made some new discoveries on how DEET works.

Mosquito diseases

Although not common, there are a range of mosquito borne diseases in Australia. Dengue fever is confined to the tropical north with occasional outbreaks.

There are also outbreaks of Ross River fever, Murray Valley encephalitis and Japanese encephalitis.

There are also occasional outbreaks of the bairnsdale ulcer in Australia (called the buruli ulcer overseas), a skin condition, which is thought to be spread by mosquitoes.

Mosquito Behaviour

Given the importance of mosquito control in preventing disease transmission globally, there is a lot of research on mosquito behaviour. One question people always ask is how far can mosquitoes fly? Which is very important when trying to set up a control program.

Similarly in developing new mosquito repellents, it’s important to know how mosquitoes find their host.


More information on mosquitoes.