A few tips to pass onto customers who are looking to keep fly populations to a minimum. 

Much like controlling mosquito numbers, providing 100% fly control is not possible. But with a combination of preventative measures, treatments and traps, it is possible to keep the numbers to a minimum.

Houseflies and similar species are called ‘filth’ flies for a reason – they feed and breed on decaying organic matter (and they love faeces!). Elimination of potential breeding sites and food sources will have the biggest impact on numbers.

It’s worth recapping the key preventative measures that homeowners should take to keep fly numbers down:

  • Avoid using manure on gardens
  • Clean up pet droppings regularly
  • Ensure rubbish is placed in sealed containers
  • Clear away food and dirty dishes immediately after meals
  • Don’t leave pet food out
  • Keep food covered or stored in sealed containers.

Of course, well fitting insect screens will help as well.

Residual insecticide treatments to surfaces where the flies rest, such as exterior walls and refuse bins will help, as will fly traps inside.

Let’s not forget there are other nuisance flies. A common pest in homes and restaurants is our friend Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fly or vinegar fly.

These flies are attracted to ripe and rotting fruit and vegetables. Rubbish and fermenting material in drains can also prove a very attractive food source and breeding site.

Tips to keep these numbers down include:

  • Keep fruit and vegetables in the fridge
  • If fruit is left on the side, keep it covered
  • Ensure drains are cleaned regularly
  • Place all rubbish in sealed containers
  • Pick up any fallen fruit in the garden and place in the refuse.

Back to pest control flies or more information on flies.