Pest Control Flies

Pest control treatments for flies are important, especially when referring to houseflies (and other ‘filth’ flies), as they can transmit diseases. This is of concern for homeowners but clearly critical in food management businesses.

However, there are a range of small flies that can appear around homes and business, which can become a nuisance and sometimes tricky to control. This is particularly the case for controlling drain flies as they have some pretty unique features that allow them to survive in and around drains and help avoid control efforts – how drain flies avoid getting washed away.

Apart from implementing fly prevention tips, there are a range of other fly control techniques and products. Here’s a good summary of the steps in fly control treatment.

Types of flies

There are a whole range of small flies found in homes and food businesses – in particular Psychodinae, Phoridae (scuttle flies) and Drosophila (vinegar flies). Often these are all called drain flies, but this is incorrect. Drain flies is only really a suitable common name for the Psychodinae. Learn more about these small ‘drain’ flies.

Fly Zappers

There are a wide range of fly zappers on the marketing including Brandenburg fly zappers and Ensystex fly zappers, which are based on new LED technology which has resulted from increased understanding of housefly vision.

Fly Traps

Apart from the traditional sticky fly paper, there are a range of light traps for flies. This can be particularly useful where there may be concerns regarding “exploding” flies from fly zappers, which can be a consideration in food preparation areas. Check out our zap or trap article.

Flies, Diseases and Health

Houseflies carry a wide range of diseases, but although flies are always viewed as ‘dirty’, fly larvae (maggots) and been used to clean necrotic wounds for centuries. Even today, they are used in maggot therapy.

More information on flies.

Housefly Behaviours and Control Tips

The housefly is probably the most common urban flying pest. To eliminate housefly problems and prevent infestations, it pay to know a bit about housefly behaviour and the various control options…

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