Dampwood Termites in New Zealand

Stolotermes ruficeps soldier

Dampwood termites are amongst the largest species of termites with the soldiers of some species up to 15 mm long. However, they are not considered to be of economic importance as they generally feed on rotting timber.

New Zealand has two species of native dampwood termite, Stolotermes ruficeps and S. inopinus.

There have been several incursions of the Australian dampwood termite, Porotermes adamsonii. Although these are believed to have been controlled, it is possible some colonies are still present.

Termite genus: Various (dampwood termites):

  • Porotermes, Neotermes, Glyptotermes, Bifiditermes, Ceratokalotermes

Native species in New Zealand

  • Stolotermes ruficeps
  • Stolotermes inopinus

Invasive species:

  • Porotermes adamsoni

Stolotermes ruficeps is the most common of the New Zealand native termites and is found in dead and decaying trees and wood in forests, inhabiting both native tree species and introduce pine species.

Dampwood termites nest in small isolated pockets in the wood of living trees and sometimes in timber in service such as power poles & stumps, but always in wet or decaying wood.

  • Single-site nesters, meaning they set up inside the tree or timber they are feeding on and do not move except for colonising flights (alates)
  • They live in many small independent groups or colonies in the wood/tree numbering only in the hundreds

The Stolotermes species are very primative termites and whereas subterranean termite workers are blind, Stolotermes workers have a well developed compound eye.

Generally feed on rotting timbers, logs, stumps and inside living trees.

  • Usually associated with decay
  • They have no extensive subterranean gallery system, and often have no contact with the soil
  • Not considered to be of economic significance
  • Dampwood termites can attack power poles and sometimes the damage can be severe with some poles falling over

Exceedingly difficult to successfully treat. It is thought that within large food sources that there may be multiple colonies that are not connected to each other. Need a lot of time and patience to attempt to locate each gallery/void and inject with a toxicant labelled for dampwood termites (foaming products may be beneficial).

  • Dampwood termites generally feed on rotting timbers on the forest floor and seldom become a nuisance to humans. However, if a structure has decay issues associated with timber being exposed to the elements (fencing, decking timbers and even internal timbers via a leaking roof etc), dampwood termites can further damage such timbers and may even venture into the surrounding sound timber.
  • Dampwood termites living in standing trees and can survive after the tree has been cut down, preservative treated and put into service as a power pole. However, most of the damage is done to the pole by the associated decay throughout the termite tunnels rather than the termite itself.

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Banner image credit: Stolotermes ruficeps soldier. S.E. Thorpe, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons