Those in Victoria looking for high quality training in pest management should look no further than Melbourne Polytechnic.
Those in Victoria looking for high quality training in pest management should look no further than Melbourne Polytechnic.
New online pest management training courses are available from WWLearn.
The Open Training and Education Network (OTEN) provides courses in pest management that are suited to today’s challenges and demands.
Dow AgroSciences entomologist Rob Annetts shares his thoughts on why the Sentricon AlwaysActive system is a sound choice of termite protection.
WaspJet Pro aerosol allows pest managers to deliver rapid knockdown and elimination of wasps.
Following on from the article on loss leaders in the last edition of Professional Pest Manager magazine, Peter Cox explores pricing policy in more detail.
The creation of a new wasp bait, Vespex, looks set to tackle the growing Vespula problem both in Australia and New Zealand.
Academics Dr Cameron Webb and Nigel Beebe offer their thoughts on the threat Zika virus poses to us here in Australia.
Termitrust WA has been named Pest Manager of the Year 2016.
A closer look at two of the winners from the 2015 Pest Manager of the Year Awards.
The AEPMA office is seeing a lot of action so far in 2016, with Codes of Practice documents being finalised and a flurry of activity relating to events in WA.
PPM recognises the passing of two key figures within our industry.
Professional Pest Manager website for other countries
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