image credit: April Nobile / © / CC BY-SA 3.0
Previously classified as Monomorium destructor
Destructive trailing ant. Ninja ant.
Probably originated in Asia or North Africa. Now found in many tropical parts of the world, including northern Australia.
Outside in soil and trees, but will readily nest inside buildings, particularly in electrical sockets and electrical equipment.
Multiple queens and multiple nests as part of the same colony. Colonies can contain millions of ants.
Colour: Light brown with darker abdomen
Size: Have polymorphic workers ranging from 1.8 – 3.5 mm long
Nodes on petiole: Two
Highly varied diet (protein, oils and sugar), but particularly keen on protein and oil foods.
Clearing up food spills, regular cleaning of the cooker and grill, and not leaving petfood out will make the area less attractive to Pharaoh ants.
Can sometimes be confused with the Pharaoh ant and big-headed ant
Other types of ants.
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