As part of our Pre-construction Exposed segment, Barry Quon, National Technical and Training Manager for Termseal, explains the textbook process for installing a termite management system. 

Pre-construction termite management systems are an integral part of the building process.

They are mandatory in all mainland states of Australia except for some non-declared termite areas of Victoria.

These systems need to be designed to suit the construction type. Wall structure and materials, and the finished landscaping, must be well-thought-out before the protection is installed. For example, it is important to note that protecting walls is a two-stage process, with Termseal Prime Coat needing to be applied first (as pictured above).

Choosing the correct product to meet these construction and site requirements is critical to success. Having a favourite product is all very well, but some products may not be fit for purpose in some construction designs. Being able to tap into a flexible product range to cover all situations gives termite professionals the confidence to tackle any job.

Alas, it is all too common that termite protection is viewed as an area of the construction process to minimise cost, often considered an inconvenience that gets in the way of the other trades. However, as termite professionals know, it is quite the opposite. A well thought-out termite management system, working in conjunction with the building design and environmental factors of the site, will undoubtedly give the future owner the best termite protection for their building.

To achieve this, it is vital that termite professionals consult with the architect, builder and homeowner prior to the start of construction. The key discussion points and information required include:

  • From the architect: an understanding of the initial design criteria in order to provide input to correct any flaws in the system. The elimination of any weakness in the design is essential, as termites will exploit these areas, leading to an undetected entry.
  • From the builder: an understanding of the building process and timing. You need to explain the termite management system or systems you intend to use, where it needs to be installed and why. It is important they understand your requirements (given in writing) to ensure the job is completed to standard, and for you to highlight the risks if the process is not followed. For example, if you are built out there may be a need to pull down brickwork or remove timber frames to fix.
  • From the homeowner: the final landscaping details. It is important to explain the termite management system proposed/installed, maintenance of the system, and warranty requirements.With pest manager input given from the get-go, there is every opportunity to modify designs to achieve a better result and even save some money. Don’t forget that you are the expert in termite protection and responsible for the correct installation, so stick to the specified products and correct installation procedures.

The Termseal range

Termseal has spent years developing a range of six core products and several ancillary products used during installation, which when combined (or used separately) create three primary perimeter barrier systems.

Six core products

  1. Termseal Ura-Fen Major (expansion foam)
  2. Termseal Ura-Fen Shield TWB (tri-layer sheet barrier)
  3. Termseal PRM (poly reinforced membrane) Active Cor and Capping Strip (bearer and joist ant capping)
  4. Termseal Multi-Purpose Active (paintable polymer-based liquid for combined termite and moisture protection
  5. Termseal Sealant Active (thixotropic, crack and joint sealant providing combined termite and moisture protection)
  6. Termseal Penetration Collars (specially designed and concreter friendly).

Three ancillary products

  1. Termseal Ura-Fen Adhesive (assists with Ura-Fen Shield joins and installation)
  2. Termseal Reo-Band & Reo-Sheet (reinforcing mat for use with Multi-Purpose Active)
  3. Termseal Prime Coat (primer for use with Multi-Purpose Active and Sealant Active).

The three primary perimeter barrier systems

  1. Termseal Ura-Fen Major (premium barrier) – three lines of defence combines the use of Ura-Fen Major, PRM Active Cord and Capping Strip and Multi-Purpose Active
  2. Termseal Ura-Fen Shield TWB – a unique tri-layer sheet barrier, used with Ura-Fen Adhesive can be installed either ‘top loaded’ or ‘side loaded’
  3. Termseal PRM (poly reinforced membrane) Active Sheet Barrier – installed as ant capping to foundation walls, isolated and engaged piers.

However, on many sites, the use of multiple construction methods can make it difficult to provide adequate termite protection. Similarly, when construction ‘errors’ are made, there is still the need to provide an integrated termite management system. Either way, Termseal products, with their flexibility in application and ability to integrate with each other, allow for the design of a termite management system to meet requirements.

Moisture protection

For step downs, control joints, and basement and backfilled walls, Termseal Multi-Purpose Systems provide both termite protection and moisture protection. All of Termseal’s primary products offer moisture protection either as damp proofing or waterproofing. This enables pest managers to market themselves to prospective clients and builders as professionals who can provide these two forms of protection in one application, saving them money and reducing the overall construction time.

Barry Quon, National Technical and Training Manager, Termseal